DYNAMO domain experienced intense and widespread convective activity on 28 November 2011. The convective system is comprised of very cold (IR cloud top temperature < 208 K) clouds in the interior often reaching 177 K. However, moderately cold clouds with IR cloud top temperature <235K was also present in the periphery of the system. On 28 November, P-3 made dedicated MABL sorties across the convection cells that formed in the periphery of the system. On this day, we noticed a convection band (CB) marked by enhanced radar reflectivity (> 30 dBZ), distributed roughly between 74°E and 75°E. Interestingly, MABL profiles showed that relatively cooler and drier mixed layers formed in the east of the enhanced reflectivity band in comparison with west of it. Moreover, the soundings from east of CB also showed strong easterly flow (~ 10 m s-1) in the mixed layer. These features signaled the presence of cold pool at the eastern boundary of CB.
Further, we found that cold pools played an important role in triggering the convection observed between 74°E and 75°E, seen as enhanced reflectivity in the radar data. Our analysis of the lower level wind fields showed strong convergence and ascent at the boundary where the cold pool air meets the warm and humid air at west. CB roughly aligns with the region of strong convergence. This observation suggests the mechanical lifting at the cold pool edge as the triggering mechanism for the development of new convection cells. The cold pool observed in the present study had an average depth of 860 m.