Thursday, 19 April 2018: 8:45 AM
Masters E (Sawgrass Marriott)
By applying a method of identifying individual MJO events through tracking eastward propagation of large-scale rainfall anomalies, we examined the observed connection between the MJO and QBO. We found that the previously documented stronger MJO signals in QBO easterly phases are attributed to more MJO events than in westerly phases. We also found that the Maritime Continent barrier effect is stronger in westerly than eastern phases. An apparent connection between QBO and ENSO complicates the interpretation of the mechanism for QBO influences on the MJO.
By applying a method of identifying individual MJO events through tracking eastward propagation of large-scale rainfall anomalies, we examined the observed connection between the MJO and QBO. We found that the previously documented stronger MJO signals in QBO easterly phases are attributed to more MJO events than in westerly phases. We also found that the Maritime Continent barrier effect is stronger in westerly than eastern phases. An apparent connection between QBO and ENSO complicates the interpretation of the mechanism for QBO influences on the MJO.