Given the recent occurrence of major (category 4-5) Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria that impacted the United States and the Caribbean territories, the focus of this poster will be on demonstrating how the novel continuous super-rapid-scan observations from GOES-16 can be utilized to better depict the rapidly-evolving wind fields in these storms.
Specifically, the poster presentation will:
1) Demonstrate the value of continuous 30-60 sec scanning from the new GOES-16 satellite toward producing high-spatiotemporal resolution AMV fields over the core region of Hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria.
2) Show how novel optical flow methodologies can be applied to optimize the tracking of high-resolution cloud features to derive the AMVs.
3) Illustrate derived flow fields and diagnostics (e.g. divergence and vorticity) to deduce dynamic and kinematic processes relevant to changing wind structures and storm intensity. Can the AMVs identify mesoscyclones within the eye? Can cloud features in the inner eyewall be tracked and related to maximum winds? Can the recently-discovered diurnal pulse in hurricanes be quantitatively identified by the evolving AMV fields?
4) Report that high spatiotemporal resolution GOES-16 AMV datasets for the complete lifetime of the three hurricane cases will be available to researchers to (for example) assess the potential impact of adding the AMV data to model forecasts of track, intensity, structure and rainfall.