The significant increase (decrease) of tropical cyclogenesis events during the convectively active (inactive) QBWO phase is found to be closely associated with the strengthening (weakening) of the low-level cyclonic circulation and increasing (decreasing) mid-level relative humidity (vertical wind shear) over the ENP. Mid-level relative humidity and low-level vorticity are found to be the two most important players in modulating TC genesis location and frequency, based upon the analyses of the anomalous genesis potential index (GPI) pattern and its magnitude associated with the QBWO. Associated with changes in TC location and large-scale steering flows, distinct difference in TC tracks during different QBWO phases can be readily found and thus cause substantial differences in basin-wide TC intensity. This study enhances our understanding of the modulation of intra-seasonal oscillations on boreal summer ENP TC activity and has the potential to aid in the sub-seasonal prediction of ENP TC activity.