Wednesday, 18 April 2018: 4:45 PM
Heritage Ballroom (Sawgrass Marriott)
The planned launch of the Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) in 2019 will offer unprecedented temporal resolution of the evolution of the Tropical Cyclone (TC) warm core. Microwave sounder-based TC intensity estimates are an important data source for TC warning agencies that are independent of the traditional geostationary infrared methods such as the subjective Dvorak Technique and the automated Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT). Existing intensity algorithms using the AMSU, SSMIS and ATMS sounders are produced in near real-time. However over the years several of these satellites have suffered either complete or partial failure of the temperature sounding capability reducing the temporal coverage of TCs. The TROPICS radiometer constellation will use seven channels in the 118 GHz oxygen absorption line and three channels in the 183 GHz absorption line. More importantly the orbit configuration using six satellites will provide the potential for hourly temporal refresh times of the TC intensity via warm core anomaly intensity methods. Using pre-launch simulated data from an Observation System Simulation Experiment nature run the ability of the TROPICS channel to resolve the TC warm core anomaly can be tested. Results of these experiments along with comparisons to operational radiometer performance from current operational microwave sounders will be presented.