DAWN is NASA’s most capable airborne wind-profiling lidar with a 2 micron laser that pulses at 10 Hz. DAWN has previously participated in NASA GRIP (2010) and Polar Winds (2014-15) airborne campaigns. The dropsondes and system used during CPEX 2017 were the High Definition Sounding System (HDSS) dropsonde delivery system developed by Yankee Environmental Services (YES).
Initial review of DAWN CPEX data has shown excellent vertical coverage and agreement with dropsonde winds, but a more detailed comparative study is needed to assess the performance and potential utility. Quantitative comparisons between DAWN wind speed and wind direction measurements and those made by the dropsondes, ocean buoys and CYGNSS will be undertaken for the entire CPEX experiment and presented. The accuracy, representativeness, and potential bias of the DAWN wind measurements for CPEX and for different convective conditions will be discussed.