The Organization Committee (OC) of EXOTICCA was established. The kickoff and OC meeting were held in Shanghai in 2015 and 2017 respectively. The Terms of Reference, the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) Start-Up Scheme and Research Groups (RGs) Start-Up Scheme as well as the Project Understanding were established. Since 2014, the reconnaissance flights and aircraft (manned) have been conducted by HKO to collect meteorological observations (wind) for typical cyclones over the South China Sea. The mobile radio-sonde, satellite buoy array, UAV and rocket drop-sonde system were conducted by STI from 2014 to collect vertical atmospheric profiles for tropical cyclones in South China Sea and landfalling in East China region. The field campaign were run routinely during EXOTICCA, more than 10 target typhoons directly observation data were got up to now. The case studies and some demonstration research have finished collaboration with WMO typhoon landfall forecast demonstration project (WMO-TLFDP) on the target typhoon (Mujigae, etc.) intensity change analysis by using the field campaign data. The experiment will continue until 2019.