The first and critical analysis task was to develop a consistent algorithm for automatic detection of both West-Coast ARs and Gulf-Coast ARs. Three AR detection algorithms, respectively, based on the column-integrated water vapor transport (IVT), the column-integrated water vapor (IWV), as well as the combined IWV and IVT were examined and applied to both the West-Coast ARs and the Gulf-Coast ARs during the period Nov-Mar, 2006-2014. Sixty-two (62) cases of West-Coast ARs are detected based on the IVT, compared with 64 based on the IWV and 32 based on the combined IWV and IVT algorithms. For the Gulf-Coast ARs, the detected cases are 61, 78, and 52, respectively. The average total rainfall, therefore the regional hydrological impact, associated with the two types of ARs under the three detection algorithms are analyzed and visualized using the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots. The results show that both the West-Coast ARs and the Gulf-Coast ARs detected by the IVT-based algorithm are associated with more average total rainfall in the two regions than the other two detection methods. The IWV-based AR index is associated with the least amount of rainfall. The combined IVT and IWV algorithm is only a compromise between the two sole variable algorithms. This result is different from a previous study that preferred the combined IWV and IVT detection algorithm for both types of ARs. The IVT-based AR indices are therefore used for further and ongoing analysis of the aerosol contents and cloud-radiative effects of the two types of ARs individually and collectively over the CONUS with CALIPSO and CERES data. Results will be detailed at the talk.