Friday, 10 August 2007: 8:45 AM
Meeting Room 2 (Cairns Convention Center)
Presentation PDF (2.5 MB)
In recent years the use of small inexpensive X-band radars for meteorological and hydrological purposes has increased significantly. The X-band weather radar compared to the traditional C-band and S-band radar has the advantage of high temporal and spatial resolution and low financial cost; however, two of the major disadvantages are the short range and the attenuation problems. In relation to quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasting it is necessary to address the attenuation issue. Over the next two years a test bed with three 4 kW X-band radars of the type Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) will be set up south of Aarhus in Denmark. The three radars will be placed so they overlook the same area and thereby are capable of intercepting a precipitation event from different angles, altitudes and ranges. The overall aim is to construct a network of small X-band radars which are capable of automatic inter-calibrating and inter-correcting for attenuation on the fly by online communication. The LAWR is already equipped with a set of algorithms which correct for attenuation; however, the prospects of correction for attenuation on the basis of other radars in the network are promising. The results from the test bed are expected to optimize attenuation handling and improve nowcasting capabilities.