One common feature of MCSs is the presence of a rear inflow jet (RIJ), which plays a crucial role in supplying cool, dry midlevel air to aid in the production of the convective- and system-scale downdrafts. This study will use airborne quad-Doppler radar data to examine the complete life cycle of a squall-line MCS. The derived wind field and retrieved pressure patterns have been used to document the evolution of the RIJ, as well as its role in the evolution of the system. This study also utilizes observed cloud and precipitation particle size distributions, obtained while the aircraft descended in tight spirals through the depth of the RIJ at approximately the same fall rate as the observed precipitation particles. The size distributions obtained from 29 June are unique in that they are the only known particle observations obtained within the RIJ during the formative stage of a bow echo. This talk will focus on the forcing for the RIJ and its descent during the development of the bow echo.