Handout (315.4 kB)
Instrumentation recently installed at KFFL for precipitation studies include a UHF boundary layer radar (BLR), a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD), and a network of tipping-bucket rain gauges (PicoNet). In addition to these instruments from OU, KFFL is host to one of the Boundary Facilities of the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program's Southern Great Plains (SGP) Site. It is equipped with an Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), balloon sounding system, microwave radiometer, temperature, humidity, winds, and pressure sensors, and a Vaisala Ceilometer. Also located at KFFL is a 404-MHz wind profiler operated as part of the NOAA Profiler Network and one of the Oklahoma Mesonet stations. The Oklahoma Mesonet is a collection of environmental monitoring stations operated by OU and the Oklahoma State University (OSU). The locations of these instruments at KFFL are shown in the accompanying figure. Each of the red enumerated dots represents a node in the PicoNet. The KOUN and NWRT radars are not shown. With this collection of instruments it is possible to classify the type of precipitation present above the site (rain, snow, sleet, graupel, hail, etc.), the dynamic state of the atmosphere through which the precipitation is falling, the development and evolution with height of the precipitation particles, and the characteristics (size distribution, particle shape, fall speed) and spatial distribution of the precipitation once it reaches the ground.