Handout (540.9 kB)
Several factors complicate the DSD retrieval process. First, the retrieval method relies on the assumption that there is no significant vertical ambient air motion. The presence of undetected updrafts and downdrafts will bias the retrieved number concentration. Second, there are many choices for fall speed relationships. Since the retrieval method assumes a single fall speed relationship, different expressions will result in different retrievals. Third, an inherent artifact of the DSD retrieval process prohibits accurate retrievals of the number concentration of very small drops, but the smallest diameter at which number concentration information should be included in DSD calculations is somewhat subjective. Fourth, the presence of ground clutter at the lower sampling heights introduces further complications to retrieving information about the smallest drops. Each of these considerations introduces errors into DSD retrievals that propagate through the precipitation estimations. These factors are examined and error analysis is presented.
The present study focuses on precipitation systems passing over central Oklahoma. The principal measurements are made using a 915-MHz boundary layer radar (BLR) and a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) located near the BLR. Emphasis is placed on non-convective systems due to the assumption of a quiescent environment. Time-height development of several parameters associated with the DSD are presented. In particular, transitions across the melting layer are examined. Rainfall parameters including rainfall rate, radar reflectivity factor, mass-weighted mean diameter, and median volume diameter are compared between the lowest sampled height from the BLR and the 2DVD. This study is motivated by ongoing comparisons with the NOAA National Weather Severe Storms Laboratory polarimetric S-band weather radar KOUN.