Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Halls C & D (Cairns Convention Center)
Handout (1.2 MB)
Modern polarimetric radars offer enhanced capabilities for rain attenuation correction and precipitation classification. These capabilities applied to X-Band radars lead to systems, which are of interest for hydrology and radar networks. The smaller size and reduced cost for these system are ideal for mobile and gap filler applications in radar networks. Selex SI GmbH developed a polarimetric X-band radar system, which has the same general parameters and software interfaces as large scale C- or S-band radars. This radar is mounted on a trailer for mobile application or can be operated in a fixed installation e.g.on a roof. All radar components are placed at the elevation level and no rotary joints are used for the waveguide. The system can be operated with and without radome, which makes it ideal for high quality polarimetric measurements. The general performance of this radar is outlined and first measurements are presented.