Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Halls C & D (Cairns Convention Center)
Handout (140.1 kB)
A radar mesurement corretion as an inverse problem that accounts for attenuation effects in rainfall is introducted, by using radar data C band of IPMet, Bauru-SP, Brazil. First, a direct theorical model relating radar return at attenuating wavelenghts to the rainfall rates between the radar and the point of measurement, is presented. Second, the inverse algorithm used to identify rain-rates estimates from radar returns is described and its application to the attenuation corretion is discussede, with the well-known caractheristics attenuation model ( i.e. instability, under-determination and nonlinearity) is discussed. Third, a sensitive analysis as the performed to test the influence of the raindrop size distribution, radar measurement features and statistical parameters involved in the inverse method. The sensitive analysis allows for stablishing the application conditions of the method. Last, a preliminary evaluating of de method is provide, through simulated radar rainfall and through a study case selected event of rainfall. The study case confirms the utility of the proposed method and its hability to provide a robust and stable sotution.