34th Conference on Radar Meteorology

Session 2

 Exhibitor Introductions
9:30 AM2.1Baron Services' New Dual-Polarization Developments for Doppler Weather Radar  
Bill Walker, Baron Services, Inc., Huntsville, AL; and R. Braswell
9:37 AM2.2SELEX-Gematronik Weather Radar Systems   wrf recording
Petra Bartasonok, SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH, Neuss, Germany
9:44 AM2.3Vaisala Technology, Products, and Service   wrf recording
Ken Goss, Vaisala, Woburn, MA
9:51 AM2.4EEC - The Worldwide Leader In Dual Polarization Technology   wrf recording
Chris Goode, EEC, Andover, MA

Monday, 5 October 2009: 9:30 AM-10:00 AM, Auditorium

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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