Session 10A |
| Polarimetric Radar I |
| Chair: Edwin Campos, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada
| 8:00 AM | 10A.1 | Keynote Talk - Urban Flood Monitoring using X-band Dual-polarization Radar Network: Program of the CASA-NIED Partnership V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and Y. Wang, M. Maki, and K. Nakane |
| 8:30 AM | 10A.2 | Radar Differential Phase Signatures of Ice Orientation for the Prediction of Lightning Initiation and Cessation  Lawrence D. Carey, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and W. A. Petersen and W. Deierling |
| 8:45 AM | 10A.3 | Classification of meteorological and non-meteorological targets with principal component analysis applying conventional and polarimetric measurements and their texture  Jarmo Koistinen, FMI, Helsinki, Finland; and T. Mäkinen and S. Pulkkinen |
| 9:00 AM | 10A.4 | Hail detection and quantification with a C-band polarimetric radar : challenges and promises  Pierre Tabary, Météo France, Toulouse, France; and B. Fradon, A. J. Illingworth, and G. Vulpiani |
| 9:15 AM | 10A.5 | Hail detection with a C-Band dual Polarization radar in the Canadian Great Lakes region  Sudesh Boodoo, EC, King City, ON, Canada; and D. Hudak, M. Leduc, A. V. Ryzhkov, N. Donaldson, and D. Hassan |
| 9:30 AM | 10A.6 | S-Band radar dual polarization observations of winter storms  Patrick C. Kennedy, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO; and S. A. Rutledge |
| 9:45 AM | 10A.7 | Discrimination of mixed- vs. ice-phase clouds using dual-polarization radar with application to detection of aircraft icing regions  David M. Plummer, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and S. Göke, R. M. Rauber, and L. Di Girolamo |