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The addition of Basin Upstream Rainfall (BUR) to the FFMP basin table for a single county would greatly enhance FFMP's ability to detect flash flooding in larger watersheds. In 2005, FFMP first introduced five aggregated basin layers to aid in the detection of flooding in larger watersheds. Unfortunately the aggregated basin layers are not accessible in a single county display, but only in a table that contains all the aggregated basins in the entire county warning area (CWA). This makes individual basins difficult to locate. There is no direct link between the commonly used county layer and the larger watersheds. By adding the BUR to the FFMP basin table as an optional column, support for the larger streams would be available in the county layer. A user would no longer have to exit the county layer in order to display the aggregated basin layers, saving precious time when analyzing flash flood threats.
The BUR is simply the average basin rainfall for the entire upstream contributing area of a single FFMP basin segment. This upstream area, defined as flow accumulation in the NSSL FFMP stream database, can be displayed for any FFMP segment with the click menu by selecting upstream basin trace. The average basin rainfall for each small FFMP basin segment is currently displayed in the FFMP basin table in the QPE column. A column could be added to the FFMP basin table as BUR to display the average basin rainfall of the upstream contributing area. This new BUR column could replace the RATIO column, which is of limited hydrologic value.
This paper will demonstrate the utility of the proposed BUR column by showing BUR results for some historic floods in the Pittsburgh CWA including the Shadyside, Ohio flood of 1990, the Etna, PA flash flood of 1986, and the record flooding during Hurricane Ivan in 2004.