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Since June 2007, a first dual-polarized X-band radar (HYDRIX) has been installed in the Nice area, at the top of the Mt-Vial (1500 m ASL). The X-band radar was coupled with the rain profiling algorithm ZPHI®, which made it possible to correct the signal attenuation. This combination avoids the need of rain-gauge-based adjustment, thus allowing operating in areas where rain-gauge networks are missing.
This study aims at evaluating the capability of X-band radar to improve the estimation of flood, compared to rain-gauge network or to the actual radar network in the Alpine area. Comparison will be presented in terms of flows derived from rain gauges, the X-band radar and a neighbouring Météo France S-band radar through the distributed rain flow model at hourly timescale (GR3H). For this purpose, two particular catchments will be studied:
- The Réal Collobrier catchments (70 km² area), covered by a dense rain gauge network (17 stations) localized only at 4km from an S-band radar (MétéoFrance).
- The alpine Roya catchments (673 km2 area), localized in a very mountainous area, where only few rain gauges stations are available, 60 km far from the X-band radar, and 150 km far from the S-band one.