WDT's team of radar meteorologists has implemented a Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm (HCA) based on research performed by the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and implemented in latest version (Build 12.1) of the WSR-88D Radar Product Generator. WDT's HCA is currently being run in real-time for KOUN and KVNX (additional radars will be processed as they become available) and is producing products made available directly to the consumer via its unique iMap web-based display tools. WDT continues to refine and enhance its dual-polarization processing capability by adding a suite of new products, including improved quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE), detection of hail, melting layers, and dangerous aircraft icing regions. In addition, the ability to discriminate between hydrometeors and non-precipitating echoes is expected to provide unprecedented automated quality control of radar reflectivity. This paper will present examples of current products and discuss future work.