Thursday, 29 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
RAINSCANNER® is a portable and cost-efficient scanning X-band radar that allows fast update of the precipitation field at short range (typically, every 1 min and up to 50 km in range). These features make it very convenient for monitoring the rainfall field in areas with quick response to intense precipitation in the framework of flash flood forecasting. Here, we present a collaborative effort focused on developing a processing package to improve the hydrometeorological value of RAINSCANNER® by generating adapted/improved QPE and rainfall warnings including the use of volumetric data from conventional scanning radars. This processing package will be demonstrated in the framework of an experiment set up in a Mediterranean area where a RAINSCANNER® unit will be deployed in the vicinity of Barcelona (Spain). Preliminary results of the performance of RAINSCANNER®-based hydrometeorological products will be evaluated by comparison with rainfall measurements from a rain gauge network and from the operational C-band radars.