National Institute of Meteorological Research of Korea (NIMR) has developed algorithm for accumulating radar-AWS precipitation using radars and rain-gauges data of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). It is useful to monitor and analyze the precipitation in blank or lack areas of ground observation such as North Korea and mountainous regions. The accumulated radar-AWS precipitation was estimated and verified ground rainfall data during 2009. Additionally, to evaluate the applicability to the region of North Korea, the accuracy was analyzed choosing the cases of discharge from the Hwanggang Dam in North Korea. The analysis of the monthly and yearly amounts of the accumulated precipitation in 2009 showed that they were overestimated in general when compared to the values from the AWS rain gauges. And, we found more problems such as discontinuity of the accumulated precipitation due to the reflectivity difference between the adjacent radars, overestimation by the anomalous propagation echoes and the underestimation by partial beam blockage. To apply the radar-AWS accumulated precipitation to the North Korea, we selected three cases, compared and analyzed the GTS positions in North Korea and the radar accumulated precipitation. The comparison was also conducted for the region of South Korea with respect to the same periods. The correlation and accuracy were lower in the North Korea than in the South Korea, but we can relatively monitor the amounts of precipitation occurred at the North Korea.