Monday, 26 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
Handout (5.4 MB)
On 28 February 2011, wave-like features were observed on radar propagating ahead of and within a quasi-linear convective system (QLCS) that traversed the Tennessee Valley during the late morning and early afternoon hours. Pronounced wave features interacted with linear convection north of Huntsville, AL from near 1746 through 1816 UTC. This interaction was observed within the UAHuntsville/NSSTC THOR Center and Hazardous Weather Testbed, which includes the KHTX WSR-88D, the Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research (ARMOR) C-band radar, the Mobile Alabama X-band (MAX) radar, as well as the instrument suite on board the Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS). Radar observations indicated a surge in the leading-edge reflectivity, which was associated with straight-line wind damage and measured wind gusts of near 30 m/s, as well as strong rotation along the northern portion of the bowing segment that was associated with the rapid development of an EF-1 tornado within 10 km of the MAX radar. This presentation will consist of high-resolution sector scans from the MAX radar and a kinematic analysis from dual-Doppler syntheses of the linear convection during and shortly after the wave interactions, specifically during the period of tornadogenesis. Additionally, integrated measurements from surface observations, special soundings released in advance on the line, and MIPS instrumentation of the wave features before the interaction will be presented.