Monday, 26 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
Handout (4.8 MB)
The Southwest Monsoon Experiment /Terrain –influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SoWMEX/TiMREX) was conducted during May and June, 2008. The subtropical environment provides high conditional instability during this season. The interaction between the southwesterly flow and high Central mountain range often induces heavy rain in southern Taiwan. The role of moisture is of high interest in these rather complicated phenomena. The experiment included two S-Band Doppler radars, one mobile X-Band Polarimetric radar and NCAR S-POL radar. Following the algorithm by Fabry(2006), the refractivity field collected by S-POL was quality controlled and examined in a very moist environment. The relative humidity field in a heavy rain event (IOP 8) is retrieved from refractivity and surface observation. The evolution of the humidity field associated with the precipitation systems is illustrated. The three dimensional synthesis wind field and retrieved drop size distribution are also analyzed to study the precipitation mechanisms.