Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
Handout (671.6 kB)
The polarimeter weather radars provide extended set of data moments, which are used to classify hydrometeors, to estimate signal attenuation, and to create new data quality indicators. The set of standard polarimetric moments (Z, V, W, Zdr, Kdp, etc.) is by itself significantly larger than the set of three basic (Z, V, W) moments of the single-pol radar. The post processing techniques, such as the dual-pol attenuation correction and the sensitivity loss mitigation, generate a number of new, derived, moments (e.g. corrected/alternative Z and Zdr). This paper presents a simple technique that can be used to design threshold criteria for each of the basic or derived moments and to estimate effectiveness of the sensitivity loss mitigation methods.