6.2 Climate Change. Educating yourself and your viewers

Thursday, 26 June 2008: 4:30 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Dan Satterfield, WBOC, Salisbury, MD

Climate change is a hot political issue, and many Meteorologists who work in TV avoid it for this reason.

I took the trip of a lifetime to the High Arctic in Aug 2007.

We used this trip to as an opportunity to educate our viewers on Climate change. Preparing this special (North of 60-The Arctic You May Never See) Took a lot of work.

We presented it twice with a live feed with Q&A to schools.

I like most Meteorologists doing TV, am a synoptic forecaster, and not a Climate Scientist. Bringing yourself up to speed on climate science will take time and there is a ton of junk science out there that you will have to avoid. I share my thoughts on what we did and how you can educate yourself on the science of climate change.

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