4.3 The Baron Tornado Index, a breakthrough in tornado detection

Thursday, 26 June 2008: 2:00 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Matthew Alan Havin, Baron Services Inc., Huntsville, AL

Baron Services Inc., a leading provider of weather data and display solutions for the broadcast industry, has developed a new ground-breaking tornado detection technology called the Baron Tornado Index. The BTI integrates, in real-time, high-resolution radar data and the highest resolution operational mesoscale model available for the continental United States. Advanced algorithms process this data continuously in real-time to compare current storms to those of historical tornadic events and then rate the current tornadic potential for each thunderstorm accordingly.

This presentation will explain how the Baron Tornado Index is processed and displayed for use by meteorologist and the general public. It will also cover case studies to explain how the Baron Tornado Index has performed in recorded tornadic events.

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