8.3 Vendor Abstract: Win-Weather

Saturday, 28 June 2008: 2:00 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Patrick James, Win-Weather, Medford, MA

Win-Weather, Inc. is a new company that focuses on the forecaster instead of just the computer models. By tracking their own accuracy, Win-Weather users can immediately adapt and improve their future forecasts. Learning from hits and misses is one of the most important, but neglected, part of forecasting. Most television forecasters simply do not have the time to compile, review and analyze their own performance accuracy. However, by leveraging the Win-Weather application, this time consuming task becomes easy and accessible, with automated analytical trends available on demand.

This application will help forecasters answer the following questions: Do I generally have a warm or cold bias? Do I favor the AVN MOS too much? How accurate am I on average over a week, month, or year? Win-Weather answers all of these questions and more, and it only takes minutes to learn.

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