8.2 Vendor Abstract – WSI+ECC

Saturday, 28 June 2008: 1:45 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Tad Maguire, WSI, Andover, MA

Every market has its own kind of disruptive weather. And every customer must forecast, detect and visualize that weather for their audience in their own way, reflecting their own news brand.

Now the WSI TruVu Performance Suite allows broadcasters and cable networks to choose from among the most advanced sets of weather data, production tools and visualization features ever created to form the production solution that's right for them. There isn't a more custom tailored, cost efficient way to produce a winning weathercast than with the TruVu Performance Suite.

Plus, WSI and EEC are teaming up to deliver the next generation of ultra sensitive, visually powerful, surprisingly affordable severe weather technologies. Defender dual polarization radar now sees some of the most dangerous weather threats with unprecedented clarity. And stations can experience a clean, quick and easy HiDef upgrade for their current radar that delivers astounding on-air results.

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