8.1 Showing your Viewers the Weather Like Never Before

Saturday, 28 June 2008: 1:30 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Eric Levy, Weather Metrics, Inc., Overland Park, KS

Chasing Storms from the studio via digital tower cameras and web cameras is increasing in popularity as broadcasters are always looking for ways to “show” viewers the weather. Weather Metrics HD Quality, 100% Digital video cameras allow meteorologists to show viewers the weather in real-time as it's happening from anywhere in the viewing area.

Research continues to show viewers relate better with live video of a storm developing than with maps. WxVision.Net™ provides a unique way to show your viewers the weather story as it is developing.

The WxVision.Net™ system allows clients to setup a network of live video cameras and/or weather stations to stream video from any location in the viewing area over standard DSL or cable Internet connections.

The WxVision.Net™ cameras can also be setup with revolutionary “no moving parts” weather stations to show the live weather conditions with the video from a remote location.

In Addition to the LIVE video, the system provides our patent pending “On-Demand” Timelapse technology along with access to the entire camera network.

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