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POLARIS was developed based on the Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm of the National Severe Storms Laboratory. WDT has since added new capabilities and is currently engaged in research on several other topics. Dual-Pol data is leveraged to provide superior quality control of radar reflectivity products. To that end, more complex polarimetric data issues have been addressed such as non-uniform beam filling, which can occur often during the convective season and create widespread incorrect hydrometeor classifications. Precipitation type in winter storms has been improved by combining dual-pol classifications with WDT's WRF model data, as well as surface observations to enhance the accuracy of rain/snow transition regions. Continued fine-tuning of a tornadic debris classification has been made and WDT is experimenting with hail-size discrimination algorithms to delineate regions of small, large and giant hail.
Dual-Pol data has already made a significant, positive impact on many WDT products. POLARIS is operationally used to enhance the accuracy of WDT's radar mosaics. Hydrometeor classification output is provided to customers through WDT's RadarScope mobile app. Hail-size discrimination products are benefiting WDT's WeatherForensics customers through its HailExpress HD product that assesses hail damage from severe storms. In the near future, additional refinement and enhancements will continue to magnify the impact of polarimetric data on WDT's radar products. Dual-Pol quantitative precipitation estimates will be developed and the potential use of 3D, mosaicked POLARIS classification product will be examined to determine its usefulness in a variety of ways including the detection of dangerous aircraft icing regions.