Thursday, 17 September 2015
Oklahoma F (Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center )
Long-term records of high-resolution, high-frequency quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) data are needed for many applications such as calibration of distributed and lumped hydrologic models, validation of numerical weather precipitation models, historic water census, and storm-scale precipitation climatology studies. The National Severe Storms Lab (NSSL) Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system has the capability of integrating data from ground-based radar, rain gauge, and atmospheric models and generating real-time high-resolution and high-frequency QPE products on a continental scale. Users from government agencies, universities and private sectors have used MRMS QPE products for various applications including river forecast operations, evaluation of satellite QPEs and validation of numerical weather model forecasts. To address the growing needs for long-term high-resolution QPE records, NSSL in collaboration with the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS) established the Multiple Year Reanalysis of Remotely Sensed Storms Precipitation (MYRORSS P) project. MYRORSS-P aims at a retrospective process of MRMS QPE products for the United States NEXt generation weather RAD (NEXRAD) era (1997 present) and will provide high-resolution (1km, 5min) high-quality QPE products including precipitation rate, type and accumulations of different time scales over conterminous US. This paper provides an overview of the MYRORSS P project and its current status.
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