76 Precipitation Insights From A Merged Dataset of Vertically Pointing ARM Radars and Ground Disdrometers During GOAmazon

Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Oklahoma F (Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center )
Scott E. Giangrande, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and T. Toto and M. P. Jensen

The Green Ocean Amazon (GOAmazon) field campaign has recently concluded a two-year deployment in the Amazon Basin to study aerosol and cloud lifecycles as related to cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions. As part of GOAmazon, the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Mobile Facility (AMF) has been collecting a unique set of observations near Manacapuru, Brazil, a site known to experience both the pristine condition of its locale, as well as the effects of the Manaus, Brazil, mega city pollution plume. The AMF is equipped to capture a complete and continuous record of cloud and precipitation column/profile properties, capitalizing on collocated UHF (915 MHz) ARM zenith radar (UAZR), a vertically pointing W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar (WACR), and surface disdrometer rainfall observations. Together, these radars and ground sensors allow multiple methods to retrieve properties of the cloud and precipitation field, including explorations into the possible controls of larger-scale synoptic, precipitation regimes (wet/dry seasons), and/or aerosol contributions. These retrievals include capture of rainfall accumulation, drop size distributions, dynamical and microphysical properties (e.g., vertical air motion, latent heat retrievals), and associated uncertainties. Here, we present merged data from the UAZR and WACR (WACR-ARSCL VAP) radars, along with ARM Sounding observations and optical Parsivel measurement constraints, to provide a first look at select convective and stratiform events, precipitation properties and statistical profile characterization during GoAmazon.
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