Since 2012, the U.S. National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF-ERC) for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) has initiated the development of Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) radar remote sensing network for urban weather hazards mitigation. The DFW urban radar network consists of a combination of high-resolution X-band radars and a standard NEXRAD radar (i.e., KFWS radar). High-resolution quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is one of the major research goals of the deployment of CASA DFW urban radar network.
In this paper, the real-time, high-resolution QPE system developed for this urban radar network will be presented. The QPE system is designed via fusion of observations from both the high-resolution X-band radar network and the S-band KFWS NEXRAD radar. The specific dual-polarization rainfall algorithms at different frequencies (i.e. S- and X-band) will be described. In addition, the fusion methodology combining observations at different resolution will be described. Cross-comparisons between ground rain gauge measurements and radar rainfall products demonstrate the excellent performance of this urban QPE system. The high-resolution QPE products are being used for urban flash flood forecasting when coupled with hydrological models.