Thursday, 17 September 2015
Oklahoma F (Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center )
Rainfall estimation by weather radar plays an important role in monitoring and forecasting the localized heavy rainfall which constantly varies with time. Improvement of quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is one of the primary benefits of a dual polarization radar (Ryzhkov et al. 2005). To estimate more accurate radar rainfall, the development of its estimation algorithm is needed in each different rainfall system. We developed and accessed the rainfall estimation algorithm in the case of localized heavy rainfall in this study.
Localized heavy rainfall with 130 mm h-1 was occurred in Busan on 25 August, 2014. The rainfall system has been accompanied by mesoscale convective systems along the southern coast of Korea. The precipitation caused severe disasters such as flooding and landslides in the center of city.
To investigate the microphysical characteristics of the rainfall system we used a disdrometer and accessed the accuracy of the rainfall relations proposed by You et al. (2015) for the localized heavy rainfall event. The quantified difference of rainfall amount obtained by single and dual polarization radars is also examined. More detailed analysis will be presented in the conference.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner