The densification of the network and the operational use of dual polarisation have greatly contributed to improving the quality of the national QPE mosaic that is produced every 5 minutes at the spatial resolution of 1km² and delivered 2 minutes after data time. This success has also fuelled the demand for equivalent QPE products in the overseas territories and for the design of new products for various applications (nowcasting, hydrology, numerical weather prediction, aviation, climatological studies and even bird migrations monitoring...).
In spite of the large increase in the number of radars, parameters, data volume and products, the number of dedicated staff resources has remained constant and greater efficiency had to be found throughout the changes to maintain the quality of the products while developing new ones.
In this paper, we will give an overview of the most recent developments that include: the design and development of a new centralised processing platform that can ingest polar volume scans from any radar (including foreign ones in ODIM format) and generate all the single site products and composites in less than a minute, the operational implementation of a new version of the dualpol processing chain that can be used at all frequencies (including X band) and that delivers improved rain rates (using kdp that is insensitive to beam blockages, attenuation or the calibration of the radar) and hydrometeors types, the operational implementation of new spatialized gauge adjustment procedure that improves significantly QPE at intermediate (80-150km) and long ranges (>150km).