93 Effectiveness Analysis of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Standard ETSI-EN 301 893 and Telecommunication Regulation for Interference on Weather Radar C-Band in Indonesia

Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Oklahoma F (Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center )
Eko Wardoyo, Weather Services of Indonesia Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia

At the World Radio Conference 2003 (WRC-03), The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommends new allocations for sharing frequencies, 5470-5725 MHz. As we know the system is running like a weather radar, Satellite and military radar has the potential to interference with this new allocation. To minimize potential interference with radar systems, then established an algorithm called Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). This study was conducted to determine potential operational Frequency Interference C-Band Weather Radar in Indonesia by applying the method of Silent Mode on weather radar to get the data sources of interference, measurement frequency radar in the operational environment and its protection efforts by conducting an engineering analysis of the operational specification C-Band radar that in BMKG Operate with DFS algorithm parameters so as to know the effectiveness of performance-ETSI DFS in protecting the C- Band Weather Radar operate by BMKG. It also conducted a discussion and analysis of regulations and legislation in the national and international level, especially related operational C-Band Radar. So the discovery of a weakness in the algorithm DFS ETSI EN301 893 standards that do not conform to the characteristics of the weather radar operational parameters and delivered BMKG suggestions and proposed changes in C-band radar protection to Indonesian telecommunications regulator.
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