170 Rainbow Scientific Tool: An Efficient Way to Harmonize and Optimize A Heterogeneous Weather Radar Network

Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Zurich (Swissotel Chicago)
Hassan Al Sakka, Selex ES GmbH, Neuss, Germany; and A. Weipert

The use of weather radar in a network for quantitative measurement such as the quantitative precipitation estimation becomes essential for the most national meteorological services around the world. One of the most important conditions for a correct quantitative estimation and mosaicking is to have well calibrated, coherent and “balanced” radars in a heterogeneous weather radar network environment.

To meet and maintain these conditions and to facilitate the use and the handling of the radar data by operational users, researchers and scientists, Selex ES GmbH developed an ensemble of functions in a package named “The Rainbow Scientific Tool”. The main contents of this tool are:

- Data Interface which supports reading and writing volumetric and product data with different data format. It includes a graphical user interface to browse volumetric files, displaying its structures, pictures tables (cells) in separate windows (tabs).

- Graphical viewer function to navigate through PPIs, analyze, as well as to choose, plot and extract area, profile, and vertical cross section for a specific region manually. The extracted moments (and metadata) are stored in .cvs tables which can be easily manipulated using any scientific programming language (Matlab, Scilab, Python, R, etc.)

- Graphical inter-comparison function to detect common pixel from neighbored radars above a chosen overlapping area. This function extracts all the moments viewed by both radars above a chosen area, write them in a table, and offers options to calculate some statistical parameters such as the correlation constant, the biases or the regression.

The manipulation of the data (choosing area, zooming, showing information values, graphical position, coordinates, etc) is via the mouse cursor and convenient graphical interfaces.

The tool can be operated separately and is able to work in different radar manufacturer environments. The documented source code of various volumetric data format standards is optionally available as well. The tool supports Window and Linux environments.

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