Handout (1.5 MB)
We present a newly calibrated CPOL radar dataset that includes products at 3 levels. The Level 1 data consists of all the calibrated and filtered, corrected and raw, data for each radar scan in (1) CF/Radial format and (2) a Cartesian projection. The Level 2 data contains daily products distributed in 2 sets: (1) 2D fields, such as 2.5 km reflectivity, cloud top height, 0/17/20/40 dBZ height, rainfall rate, convective/stratiform classification and many more; and (2) 3D fields, such as 3D Winds and hydrometeor classifications. The Level 3 data is composed of daily area-averaged products (e.g., area mean rainfall, peak rainfall, area fraction, convective mass flux) and their long-term statistics.
Apart from highlighting the construction of the data set we will provide examples for its potential use in scientific investigations of atmospheric convection and its representation in models.