Thursday, 31 August 2017
Zurich DEFG (Swissotel Chicago)
In 2016 IITM contracted Selex ES GmbH to provide with transportable C-Band klystron weather radar for cloud seeding campaigns (CAIPEX- Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment) and polarimetry research activities at different sites. A standard METEOR 1700S system has been customized to a full transportable weather radar system with autonomous operation. The whole system consists of three 20 feed ISO containers, a transport container for the antenna system, the radar shelter container and the generator container. The transport and radar containers build a stable base for the operational antenna system. Inside the radar container the radar cabinets are mounted on a damper system to allow the safe transportation on the Indian roads. The reflector and dual drive motor configuration allows the weather radar operation up to 110km/h. Furthermore, an automatic park position mode is available to withstand wind speeds up to 180 km/h without employing a radome.