Handout (12.0 MB)
WSR-88D confirms that the overlap fraction between extreme convective intensities and extreme rain rates is low, but also shows that this overlap fraction is likely significantly higher than TRMM retrievals indicate, up to ~50% higher in the southeastern United States (e.g., 24% as compared to 16% for the overlap of the 95th percentiles of maximum 40 dBZ height and rain rate). Low level reflectivity as a function of maximum 40 dBZ echo height is ~2 dBZ higher for WSR-88D than TRMM, while derived rain rate for a given low level reflectivity between 40 and 50 dBZ is 15% higher, caused by the usage of KDP rather than Z in deriving many rain rates for this reflectivity range. These both contribute to a mean WSR-88D rain rate that is nearly double that of TRMM for a given maximum 40 dBZ height above 5-km altitude. For a given low level reflectivity, mean WSR-88D rain rate increases with increasing maximum 40 dBZ height, but TRMM derived rain rates do the opposite, while the low-level reflectivity difference between WSR-88D and TRMM only appears once the maximum 40 dBZ height penetrates into mixed phase and ice regions above 5-km altitude. With the exception of low level reflectivities greater than 55 dBZ, in which hail contamination detected by the WSR-88D HID causes a likely high bias in TRMM-retrieved rain rate, these findings indicate that the TRMM reflectivity attenuation correction process for intense convective systems may produce low-level reflectivities and rain rates that are biased low. Therefore, low-level reflectivity and rain rate profiles retrieved by TRMM in systems with a 40 dBZ echo exceeding 5-km altitude need to be interpreted with caution.