Presentation Title: Leveraging Cellular Broadcast Technology for Geographically Targeted Alerts and Warnings: The Commercial Mobile Alerting System
A comprehensive wireless mobile alerting system will have the ability to alert people on the go in a short timeframe, even where they do not have access to broadcast radio and television or other sources of emergency information. Providing critical alert information via wireless devices will ultimately help the public avoid danger or respond more quickly in the face of crisis, and thereby save lives and property The FEMA, National Continuity Programs, Integrated Public Alerts and Warming System Program Office is working in close coordination with NOAA/NWS on the future of public alerts and warnings. Our presentation to the AMS conference will be aligned with presentation by NOAA/NWS to ensure a coordinated message. The proposed presentation will follow up on the Progress on Commercial Mobil Alert System (CMAS)' Article published in the January 2011 issue NOAA AWARE.
The proposed IPAWS presentation will provide session attendees with the following:
Explanation and overview of IPAWS and the CMAS program. Explain what is coming and when in terms of the alerting technology Imminent threats to life and property, such as a tornado warnings AMBER Alerts on child abductions Presidential emergency messages
What FEMA is doing through IPAWS, how we are collaborating with NOAA and other partners (including Canada)
CMAS represents a significant paradigm shift in the ability of the government and emergency management community to interact directly with the public through their personal mobile communications devices
Our presentation will address necessary preparation by all relevant parties (FEMA, Cellular Providers, Policy Makers, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, and the general public) to take advantage of the new public alerts and warning capabilities being made possible by CMAS
To date CMAS has been a policy and engineering challenge, now we are faced with the practical social challenges. Through CMAS, the government has the ability to reach the population directly in a different social environment in the past
We will address challenges to the alert originators
Communicate to attendees what support and information FEMA needs from the community to make this an effective program that will meet the needs of the population and not abuse the ability to reach the population