Wednesday, 22 June 2011: 2:45 PM
Ballroom A/B (Cox Convention Center)
The number of outlets available for weather offices to communicate their forecasts has exploded in recent years. The emergence of social media, ipads, ipods, and everything in between has bombarded weather offices with new ways to get their product out to their audiences. But what approach do weather offices take in branding their product to reach these audiences. Is it a branded house approach where everything revolves around certain key words like Stormtracker or Doppler 5000 or is it a House of Brands where content has its own description. Does the brand and message stay consistent across all mediums with the purpose of strengthening the primary medium, television? Of course television news is in the business to make money. Does the brand offer opportunities for weather offices to gain key sponsors through the differing mediums? Some weather offices fall into the trap of doing something because the guy across town does it. The way the product is presented and packaged to the consumer will ultimately decide whether the viewer uses your product or someone else's. Competition is fierce, so what are the advantages your product has over the other guy. All these medium outlets also offer the opportunity to build high quality and effective public and community relation programs. Weather offices with a comprehensive brand, targeting the community needs are always the most successful in the marketplace. The challenge for Chief Meteorologists is to ensure the weather staff performs everything they do day to day to support the brand name, and ultimately the customer. Blogs, webcasts, twitters, Facebook, Skype, appearances, school talks, radio, and television must all be interconnected with the sole purpose of reaching the maximum public possible. It also requires you to clearly identify your audience's needs in each medium. Perception is everything. If your forecast product builds true creditability (accuracy) and meets the day to day care of the customer's needs, the audience will always come back for more.
Key Question; What is my weather brand?
How does my station package my weather brand?
What mediums do we use to promote the brand?
Is the brand incorporated in all station activities?
Does my brand meet my viewer's expectations?
How do I measure the success and use of my brand through external mediums?
Is my brand message consistent through all mediums?
Does my staff support the brand in their day to day operations?
How do I gauge consumer reaction to our products?
What are the strengths of our product?
What areas of our products be improved?
Do we cross promote the brand in both old and new mediums? (Aka teleivison to radio to Web and vice-versa.)