Friday, 24 June 2011: 9:15 AM
Ballroom D (Cox Convention Center)
Abstract Since five years the Polish meteorological service provided by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management has been introducing improved weather communication. It is underpinned by new communication tools. From 2006 an official Internet website has been operational. This is on this web page where, from the very beginning, the most important weather information has been placed: reports on the possibility of severe weather phenomena occurrence in Poland, i.e. hydrological and meteorological warnings. The website is designed to reach the largest possible circle of recipients with weather information in fastest and easiest way. Now every Pole has a mobile. Hence, in 2009 at IMGW a dedicated SMS service for sailors was tested and launched. As the service attracted huge interest and proved successful, IMGW decided to develop its communication policy with mobiles. In 2010 a unique in Europe system was officially set up, transmitting dedicated SMS warnings for those concerned. Reports include information on storm, rainfall, snowstorm, frost, high water level etc. Today SMS service is provided in two forms: for commercial recipients - the system is based on a Premium service, that is fixed licence fee; for statutory recipients it enables free information to be delivered for recipients selected by government administration (delivery costs are fully covered by commercial service). These are not all of challenges to be met by IMGW. It was decided to use subsequent media for severe meteorological and hydrological events communication. Shortly, our services will be expanded with PogodynkaTV channel, extended IMGW Meteorological Kiosk network; and unique, free applications for mobiles. In addition, portable field river level monitoring device is planned to be used. It will allow for comparing model information derived from connected database with a real field observation and will make monitoring of river flood wave development possible. Location can be identified, since the device is equipped with GPS system. On this basis, it will collect data available (GPRS modem is built-in) from IMGW databases (hydro-meteorological forecast/radars/telemetry). The device can work ca. 8h on internal battery and has a waterproof housing. Target group: crisis management, IMGW staff, government administration.