Friday, 24 June 2011: 2:15 PM
Ballroom A/B (Cox Convention Center)
(603.1 kB)
The NWS Warning Decision Training Branch, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team comprised of NWS forecasters, broadcast media, emergency managers, Sea Grant personnel, and FEMA Hurricane Program Management, facilitated a simulation of NWS products and services as they occur prior to, during, and after landfall of a tropical system in North Carolina. Particular emphasis was placed on the hydrologic aspects of Tropical Storm Ernesto in 2006. To have a level playing field and be guided by subject matter experts, participants played a role outside of their areas of expertise, functioning as members of the Integrated Warning Team (NWS forecasters, emergency managers, and broadcast media). The scenario design allowed participants to learn the importance of improved shared situation awareness and improved communications during tropical events. An overview of the scenario and its objectives, distance learning modules under development, and lessons learned are presented.