Handout (1.6 MB)
By building closer relationships with the External Users Team members, the WFO has been able to develop a better understanding of their unique needs while determining areas where its products and services can be improved. During the past year the team developed a local post-winter event survey, addressed issues with distributing its products via social media outlets, and optimized decision support briefings. In addition, the WFO gained insightful information and almost immediate feedback from team members following high impact weather events that crossed the Upper Ohio Valley. The information gathered has already led to a better understanding of the temperature thresholds that prompt crews to deice roadways, ice accumulations and their impacts on utility companies, the forecast timing needed to dispense additional manpower during high impact events, and the frequency in which Local Storm Reports/Public Information Statements are sent.
In order to address one of the goals of the NWS Strategic plan which focuses on impact-based decision support services, the Weather Forecast Office in Pittsburgh, PA has strengthened relationships with its users in media, emergency management, transportation, utility, health, and education. The team plans to continue to gather practical insight on the societal impacts of the NWS products and services so the information can be applied at both the local WFO and national level.