Friday, 24 June 2011: 8:20 AM
Ballroom A/B (Cox Convention Center)
To meet the new and evolving needs from society, the NWS is shifting in the way forecasts and warnings are provided to impact-based decision support services. NWSChat, an instant messaging system, allows broadcasters (and emergency managers) to become part of the conversation with NWS forecasters. The experimental Interactive NWS (iNWS) is the home of new mobile and desktop innovation of the National Weather Service, and gives partners a tool to receive interpreted NWS data in a quick and concise manner. Social media broadly describes online tools used to share and spread information through social interaction. Hazardous weather information posted in near real-time over Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, blogs, etc. can be invaluable to NWS warning forecasters, emergency managers, the broadcast media, and the general public. The NWS is in the initial planning stage on how to gather and utilize this information in a formal and organized way.