Friday, 24 August 2012: 11:45 AM
Georgian (Boston Park Plaza)
Bringing science to the forefront of conversation and educating our viewers are two common goals many broadcast meteorologists share. As we develop in depth or long term science based projects, it is important to keep these short term goals and long term legacies in mind. The Ohio News Network committed to a comprehensive station scientist project in late 2011. A three pronged plan was developed to help guide and focus our science based coverage. Near term content and initial interactions represented our short term goals for content generation. A permanent online presence and the traditional lasting legacy were elements that represented the long term contributions to the community that could be revisited indefinitely. Together these elements combined to educate viewers through traditional news, online platforms, and unique community partnerships. Here, I will present our coverage blue print that will help you focus your ideas and develop a long term vision for your station scientist projects.