Session 8 Station Scientist

Friday, 24 August 2012: 9:45 AM-12:00 PM
Georgian (Boston Park Plaza)
Host: 40th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology

9:45 AM
RADM Titley Climate Change Talk: David Titley
10:15 AM
The Arctic's Shrinking Sea Ice Cover: Why Should We Care?
Mark C. Serreze, Univ. of Colorado/NSIDC, Boulder, CO
10:45 AM
Climate Matters
Jim Gandy, WLTX-TV, Columbia, SC; and J. Witte, H. Cullen, X. Zhao, B. Klinger, K. Rowan, and E. Maibach
11:05 AM
Applying Climate Change to Google Earth
Jim Gandy, WLTX-TV, Columbia, SC; and B. Helmuth and N. Heller

11:25 AM
Heavenly Highlights: Upcoming Celestial Events To Dazzle Your Viewers
J. Kelly Beatty, Sky & Telescope Magazine, Cambridge, MA
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
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