Thursday, 23 August 2012: 8:30 AM
Georgian (Boston Park Plaza)
NOAA is the official source of news for weather, climate, and many headline-leading natural disasters. In addition to the agency providing official forecasts and guidance, the NOAA Environmental Visualization Lab provides imagery of significant events in high resolution from its website at These images and animations are routinely used by media outlets around the word. Timeliness is the key. Many products are automatically generated in real-time. Many others have a turnaround time of 15-30 minutes. The Lab, located in Metro DC, also fills requests for custom imagery from NOAA's satellites and weather models for use on air during standard work hours. Videos from the website at are also served by YouTube and may be easily embedded in websites or downloaded for high quality displays and broadcast. This talk will demonstrate the features and products available from the Lab's extensive website, along with detailing the processes for requesting specific imagery or automated products. Finally, other media-friendly resources in NOAA will be discussed. Input on improving best-practices for media use is always appreciated.