Thursday, 27 June 2013: 9:15 AM
Tulip Grove BR (Sheraton Music City Hotel)
Sandy was the latest example of tropical storms, low category hurricanes or extratropical storms that bring dangerous surge to coastal communities. Over 100 people were killed, most from drowning in spite of a forecast of life-threatening storm surge. Clearly, storm surge forecasts are not getting sufficient attention. The NWS has undertaken several social science projects to solicit information from various stakeholders to guide the way forward to remedy this situation. Opinions were solicited on various issues related to storm surge forecast communication, including whether the NWS should issue watches and warnings for storm surge. Emergency managers, the media, the general public and NWS meteorologists also evaluated three versions of an inundation map being developed for public access on NWS websites. This presentation reports on a web-based survey of broadcast meteorologists from local TV stations in markets on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts, as well as Alaska.